


Baptism is the sacrament that marks the beginning of the entire Christian life, and is the first of the sacraments of initiation. In Baptism we are freed from sin and become sons and daughters of God. We receive the very life of God, become part of the Body of Christ, become members of the Church, and are called to share in its mission (Compendium to the Catechism of the Catholic Church).

The Catholic Church baptizes at any age, infants through adults, though the requirements vary based on the age of the person to be baptized. We, the parish community of St. Mel, welcome you into the family of God and into our parish family.

For more information: Mrs. Lorraine Peneyra by phone at (818) 340 -6020, ext. 1020 or email:

Reconciliation & First Holy Communion

It is with great anticipation and excitement that we welcome you to St. Mel Parish to consider participation in the preparation of your child for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Preparation for the reception of these sacraments is a two year process of formal instruction in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, typically beginning at age six, or first grade.

In the first year of instruction, children are introduced to the general precepts, practices, and prayers of their Catholic faith. The second year of instruction is specifically focused on the child’s individual understanding of the sacrament of Reconciliation, which is received prior to First Communion, and their understanding and regular participation in Sunday Mass, which is essential for their reception of First Holy Communion.

As the primary educators of your children, we invite you to accompany them on their incredible faith journey towards the reception of these sacraments.

For more information, contact Jennifer Lemmon at

First Communion Preparation for Adults

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) prepares adults to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

For more information about the OCIA process, contact Monica Matthews at (818) 698-2883, ext. 1026.


The sacrament of Confirmation completes our initiation into the Catholic Church. Anointed by the Holy Spirit at Confirmation, Christians strengthen their bond with the Church and become better equipped to carry out the Church's mission of love and service.

Teen Confirmation

The preparation of youth for the sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year process for high school youth who have been Baptized and received First Reconciliation, and Holy Communion in the Catholic Church. Our youth confirmation preparation process seeks to inspire and equip young people for lifelong discipleship and commitment to their Catholic faith, strengthened by the Holy Spirit and the Grace of God.

For more information, contact Bryan Villegas at (818) 698-2883, ext. 1043.

Adult Confirmation

Are you a practicing Catholic adult who has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Adult Confirmation is offered to anyone 19 years and older who have received Baptism, First Reconciliation, and First Communion in the Catholic Church. You are welcome to join us! The program begins in February and culminates with the Sacrament of Confirmation at a service in the spring.

For more information, contact Monica Matthews at (818) 698-2883, ext. 1026.


The Sacrament of Matrimony (Marriage) celebrates an intimate relationship involving a man, a woman, and Jesus Christ. It is a sacred covenant that is modeled after the intimate relationship that God has extended to all people from the beginning of creation. God has revealed that He is the God of all and wants all human beings to commit themselves to living as God’s beloved people. When a man and woman marry one another, they do so believing that their relationship is the best way for both of them to live as fully as possible as God’s precious people. Another important aspect of such a marriage relationship is the procreation of children for whom the couple accepts the privilege of forming in the love of God so that they, too, can experience themselves as God’s cherished ones.

The sacramental marriage states that bride and groom enter a covenant that is FREE, FULL, FAITHFUL, AND FRUITFUL:

  • FREE: Both understand what the sacrament of marriage means and implies, and are entering the union free from any fear and without being coerced

  • FULL: Both promise to share truthfully and fully in all aspects of their lives

  • FAITHFUL: Both are entering into this covenant with the intention of a life-long commitment, exclusive of all others

  • FRUITFUL: Both promise to accept children lovingly and promise to form them according to the ways of Jesus Christ according to the Catholic Church

Marriage Preparation

Engaged couples desiring to get married at St. Mel Parish, must participate in the marriage preparation process at least 6 months in advance of the date you desire for your wedding.

To begin this process, you first must set an appointment with a priest by contacting our parish office at (818) 698-2883.

Holy Orders

Every life is a calling, a vocation. God calls us into being for a reason. Jesus calls each of us by name and calls us to conversion. He calls us to live not for ourselves, but to glorify God and to serve our brothers and sisters. Following Jesus means listening to his voice and following the bright light of his life. Jesus wants to draw everything in our ordinary lives into the light of his divine life. He calls each of us to radiate his light in a unique way. This is true for everyone.

Some, however, are chosen by Jesus for a special calling, to conform their lives more closely to his. Some he chooses for his priesthood, some to follow him in religious and consecrated life in the Church. So we have to listen for the voice of Christ and we have to respond to his call with all our hearts and all our strength. A vocation always has a context and that context is always the Church. So our task in the Church is to welcome and accompany people and to open their hearts to know God’s calling.

If you are interested in learning more about priestly vocations or have any questions, please visit or contact the Vocations Office at (213) 637-7248.

Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament for Anointing of the Sick is for anyone facing serious illness or surgery; failing health; or the need for any physical, mental or emotional healing. You don't have to be dying to receive this sacrament. Rather, it is an expression of God's presence and healing power and care. It can be received more than once.

It is critical to know that the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the "last rites" are not the same as the Anointing of the Sick. The "last rites" is simply communion and no more.

CCC 1517: "As the sacrament of the Lord's Passover the Eucharist should always be the last sacrament of the earthly journey, the "viaticum" for "passing over" to eternal life." If the dying person has been receiving communion, then he/she has received the "last rites" and a priest is not needed.

Call the parish office and let us know that you or your loved one desires to be anointed. It is important to share important details that will help our priest plan their visit with you. Some details would be the place where you are staying, the seriousness of the illness, or the date of the surgery. Hospitals also provide Holy Communion and anointing if you let admittance know that you want to be visited by a Catholic chaplain on call.

For more information or to schedule a visit, contact the Parish Office at any time, (818) 698-2883.

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20870 Ventura Blvd.

Woodland Hills, CA 91364

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9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday - Sunday

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

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