Funeral Information

Funeral Information

If A Loved One Has Died

The members of St. Mel Parish Bereavement Ministry offer our condolences on the death of your loved one and want to assist you in any way possible.

We know that the time immediately following a death is difficult for family and friends and is filled with the need to make decisions and also to deal with a variety of emotional responses. Please download the St. Mel Bereavement Booklet to assist you with some of the challenges you face in dealing with the practicalities of the funeral preparation. This booklet is also helpful if you are pre-planning your end of life care.

Please contact our ministry coordinator for assistance in scheduling and planning a funeral at St. Mel Parish.

Funeral Planning

Angelita Abushahla

Bereavement Coordinator


Phone ........(818) 698-2883

Funeral Planning

Angelita Abushahla

Bereavement Coordinator


Phone ........(818) 698-2883

If A Loved One Has Died

The members of St. Mel Parish Bereavement Ministry offer our condolences on the death of your loved one and want to assist you in any way possible.

We know that the time immediately following a death is difficult for family and friends and is filled with the need to make decisions and also to deal with a variety of emotional responses. Please download the St. Mel Bereavement Booklet to assist you with some of the challenges you face in dealing with the practicalities of the funeral preparation. This booklet is also helpful if you are pre-planning your end of life care.

Please contact our ministry coordinator for assistance in scheduling and planning a funeral at St. Mel Parish.

Contact Us

20870 Ventura Blvd.

Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday - Sunday

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

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